Catholics look at the Old Testament through the lens of the Resurrection. The importance of the human persons calling as priest, prophet and king is discussed.
Atheists and agnostics drop the question of God's existence just as it gets interesting. Why is there anything at all? There is no scientific answer to that, only faith!
Atheism has, apparently, one central creed, best expressed by the 19th Century philosopher Ludwig Feuerbach, "God is man writ large!" Join us to talk about the mystery of God.
Stewardship is the possibility of happiness. We own things, they do not own us. How we are stewards of Creation is an insight into our life that leads to the proper balancing of God's gifts to each of us.
Shadowy Sheol? The Resurrection of the Righteous? Ghosts? A spiritual existence? What awaits us after death. What is the Triduum and Easter really about? Why is the Resurrection the key to human history?
The phrase 'The Four Last Things' refers to the reality of death, judgment, heaven and hell. Listen to the collection of the following speakers on each of these topics and be prepared to discuss on Wednesday, March 21.
In the story of the cross there is a sacrifice, there is sin and betrayal. In the past we have talked about the reality of a personal God, the supernatural world and now this very human event. So these questions ought to be asked as they are central to faith.
The Sacraments of Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick are sacraments of healing. Of the two sacraments, people find talking about ourselves in the sacrament of reconciliation is the most difficult.
A sacrament is a visible sign of an unseen reality Holy Orders and Matrimony belong to the Sacraments at the Service of Communion. This means they are primarily directed toward the salvation of others.
From earliest times, the Church has remained faithful to this command. Particularly on Sunday, the day of Christ’s Resurrection, the faithful has gathered for the Breaking of the Bread.
“At a confirmation, a bishop asked a boy he would go to church every Sunday. The boy replied, ‘Would you go and watch the same movie every week?” “It depends on how important the movie is to you” the bishop replied. Confirmation seals the gift of faith, if there is any there to seal.
Virtues are habits of moral conduct that guide our lives according to our faith. They lead us to true moral freedom based on self-control and the joy that ensues from good choices.