St. Therese of Lisieux was a playwrite within here convent. One of her last plays was, "The Triumph of Humility." The real drama was the role of humility in her own life. More on that in this episode of OVC. This is a snippet from the exciting conclusion of St. Therese's "The Triumph of Humiliy" performed in April 1896:
SR. THERESE OF THE CHILD JESUS 0 my sisters! What a grace the Good God has just granted us!... We must go quickly and tell Our Mother what we have heard, we must tell her that now we know how to conquer the demon and, from now on, we'll have but one desire to practice tice humility... behold our weapons and our shield; with this almighty power we will know, like new Joans of Arc, how to chase the stranger from the kingdom, that is, to prevent proud Satan from entering our monasteries.
Yes, let's go to our Mother right away, but you are going ing to do the talking, Sr. Therese of the Child Jesus, since I'm still trembling, and I'm afraid she may not believe us; she'll say we've been dreaming....
SR. MARIE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT That's true, after all, how upset we'll be if our Mother makes fun of us!..
SR. THERESE OF THE CHILD JESUS - On the contrary, we'd have to rejoice, since that would be a way to practice humility... but she will believe us. After receiving so great a favor, I feel moved to pray to the Holy Angels to come with us and sing to our dear Mother one of their celestial songs. My little sisters, just now you were heard, it's my turn to he [heard]... 0 Holy Angels, I beg of you, don't deny my request. Let us hear your voices, but don't show yourselves, so as to leave us with the merit of our faith. The novices get up and go to seek our Mother.
THE ANGELS sing to the tune of "la Patrie des hirondelles"
Therese of Lisieux. The Plays of Saint Therese of Lisieux: Pious Recreations (Kindle Locations 2296-2301). Kindle Edition.