The Increased Offertory Program (IOP) has been a great success. Current weekly offertory is sufficient to cover debt and a capital campaign is not necessary at this time.
Planning is underway to develop an access road from the southwest corner of the existing church parking lot to Shannon Road. This access road, along with the RTA improvements currently being made to the Tangerine Rd./Shannon Rd. intersection will provide an additional entry/egress point from the church property onto Tangerine Road. It is anticipated that the project cost would be approximately $560,000.
Seminarian Jesus Haros will be leaving St. Mark soon for another assignment before returning to seminary.
Seminarian Dennis Marcos will arrive next week to serve at St. Mark over the summer.
Father George will be leaving St. Mark at the end of June for his new assignment.
Father Callistus Iyorember will arrive in June to begin his assignment at St. Mark.
Father John is assessing how we as a parish operate various ministries and how we engage parishioners with the goal of optimizing how we function.
There will be a kick-off meeting for St. Mark parishioner involvement with the “Bridges Out of Poverty” mentoring program in August; St. Mark to team with St. Cyril where a group has been active in the program.
Currently underway with a food drive for Youth On Their Own (YOTO) whose facility was robbed and is in need of food donations to replenish their stocks.
Interfaith Community Services (ICS) backpack program will be the focus in July.
Baby Bottle Drive to benefit Reachout Women’s Center in October/November.
After additional research and discussion it was decided that the parking lot solar panel project will not move forward.
Chapel pergola/courtyard projects are not moving forward at this time.
Parking lot seal coat follow-up work will be done within the next several weeks to complete the sealing of the north parking area access drives.
Kitchen clean-up ministry group has been re-established.
Research on LED lighting replacement for the church has been completed. It was determined that no action would be taken at this time due to the large upfront costs that would be associated.
Discussion of events/celebrations to be facilitated by the council in the coming year. Planned are: Blessing of Pets to coincide with the feast St. Francis, All Souls Day, Divine Mercy Sunday, and May Crowning.
Budget for the 2017/2018 fiscal year has been approved; parish is in sound financial shape.
Online giving has been a success and is improving.
The Increased Offertory Program (IOP) has been successful.
The council approved the Shannon Road access study.
The Little Tots program has been doing well financially.
Council discussed its working document of ideas and recommendations for ways to energize parishioners and encourage involvement in the parish and will initially focus on: proposing the creation of a Director of Volunteers position, formulating ways to welcome new parishioners, make efforts to encourage winter residents to become registered members of the parish, and explore the creation of a Mass Prayer Ministry.
Continuing study of the Second Vatican Council document Sacrosanctum Concilium.
Discussion of the historical role of the pipe organ in sacred liturgy.
Discussion of the proper matter and form of the sacrament of Baptism.
Liturgical ministries status discussion.
No report
A general question was raised regarding the number of families currently registered at St. Mark. Father John responded that the number is in excess of 1,300 currently.