RP Fund 1438
A Scholarship Program organized by the Saint Mark Parish Knights of Columbus #13272, that incorporates Arizona’s Catholic Tuition Scholarship Fund (CTSO) has been established. The goal of this fund is to assist some students of St. Mark Parish who attend Schools of the Diocese of Tucson.
Any parishioner is eligible and encouraged to pay their Arizona Tax due dollars to this fund. By directing your funds to CTSO (Fund 1438), you diminish your Arizona Tax liability and thereby help students from St. Mark Parish.
First, determine the amount of your Arizona Tax Liability and decide how much of this liability you wish to pay our KC Scholarship Fund.
Second, use the CTSO forms in our parish narthex or go on-line to the parish website selecting the CTSO link.
Follow the directions on the website, pick a school like Immaculate Heart Academy or St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School and make a note to the referral fund # 1438.
It’s as simple as that.
Useful Information
You can make a tax payment to CTSO
by clicking here
New Tax Year Maximums
Single max credit allowed - $1,089
Married max credit allowed (filing jointly) = $2,177
Payment need to be received by April 15, 2018
Arizona’s CTSO P.O. Box 14467
Tucson, Arizona 85732-4467
fax 520-838-2578