Church- all the people who are baptized in Jesus Christ and follow his teachings
Penance and Reconciliation- the sacrament in which we receive and celebrate God's forgiveness of our sins
Conscience- God's gift that helps us to know right from wrong
Laypeople – All the baptized members of the Church who share in the mission to bring the Good News of Christ to the world.
Vocation- God's call to serve him in a certain way
Vows- promises to God
Mass- the celebration of the Eucharist
Assembly- the community of people gathered to worship in the name of Jesus Christ
Liturgy of the Word-the part of the Mass in which we listen and respond to God's Word; we profess our faith and pray for all people in need
Homily- a talk given by the priest or deacon that helps us to understand the readings and to grow as faithful followers of Jesus
Liturgy of the Eucharist-the part of the Mass in which the Death and Resurrection of Christ are made present again. Our gifts of bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ, which we receive in Holy Communion
Consecration-the part of the Eucharistic Prayer when, by the power of the Holy Spirit and through the words and actions of the priest, the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ
Holy Day of Obligation-a day that is set apart to celebrate a special event in the life of Jesus, Mary, or the saints
Liturgy of the Hours- public prayer of the Church made up of psalms, readings from Scripture and Church teaching, prayers and hymns, and celebrated at various times during the day
Sacramental- blessings, actions, and objects that help us respond to God's grace received in the sacraments