Grace is God's help and favor. We all have an experience of actual grace, if you would think about it. Sanctifying grace comes to us only through the sacraments."Sanctifying Grace is a life in the soul, making it almost a new thing, giving it and its faculties new powers. Actual Grace is the divine energy setting the soul in motion towards some particular goal otherwise beyond its reach. Sanctifying Grace indwells the soul and abides in it. Actual Grace does neither. It does not abide—it is transient, like a wind that blows for a while and then is gone, the whole point being to take advantage of it while it blows. Nor does it indwell: it does not live in the soul but acts upon it in a sense from outside; it sets intellect and will in motion without becoming a permanent quality of either, very much as a wind moves a boat but does not in any sense become a permanent element in the boat’s structure." Frank Sheed. Theology for Beginners (p. 172). Catholic Way Publishing. Kindle Edition.