The Church has celebrated the Feast of St. Joseph since the 8th century. What we know of St. Joseph, we learn from the first chapters of Matthew and Luke’s Gospels: Joseph is “of the house of David”(Luke 1:27), is described as “a righteous man”, and is addressed as “son of David” by the angel announcing the birth of a son to be named Jesus (Matt. 1:19-20). Joseph is obedient to the messages of God’s angels and is the protector of Mary and Jesus during the journeys to Bethlehem, Egypt and back to Nazareth. Though no words are attributed to Joseph in all of the New Testament, he is honored as the faithful spouse of Mary and loving foster father of Jesus.
Sicilians have a special devotion to St. Joseph. They experienced his special protection during the Middle Ages when their country suffered a devastating draught and severe famine. The peasants prayed to Joseph to intercede with God on their behalf, promising to honor them if rain was received. When rains came, followed by a rich harvest, the people showed their gratitude by preparing an altar-table filled with special foods, shared with everyone, rich and poor alike. On Monday, March 20th, our 8:00 a.m. Mass of the Solemnity of St. Joseph will be followed by the blessing of our St. Joseph Table in the Narthex and then in the Parish office. Please join us for this time of celebration and sharing!