The Church celebrates two octaves in the liturgical year: the Octave of Christmas and the Octave of Easter.
What is an Octave? Octave derives from the Latin octo, meaning eight. The Octave of Christmas begins with the feast of the Nativity of our Lord on Christmas Day, continues for the next six days, and concludes with the feast of the Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God on January 1 st.
Why an Octave? The Church, like a wise mother, knows we need more than one day to celebrate the Nativity. The Octave of Christmas gives us eight days to meditate on the mystery of the birth of Jesus and accept the graces and joys of that feast. Consider placing the white candle from the Advent wreath near your crèche, and gathering around it for prayer each morning or evening. On the feast of the Solemnity of Mary, Sunday January 1 st, praying the rosary is a wonderful way to celebrate this feast of Mary, Mother of God.
Are there other commemorations during the Octave of Christmas? Yes. December 26 th is the feast of Saint Stephen, the first disciple of Jesus to receive the martyr’s crown. In the 6 th chapter of the Acts of the Apostles, Luke recounts the selection of “seven reputable men, filled with the Spirit and wisdom” (Acts 6:3) to assist the Apostles in ministering to the needs of the widows and poor among the Hellenists, the Greek-speaking Jews of the early Church. Stephen is the first of these deacons to be named, singled out as “a man filled with faith and the holy Spirit” (6:5), and “with grace and power”. (6:8)
Stephen’s preaching was challenged by those who weren’t followers of Jesus, and “they could not tolerate the wisdom and the spirit with which he spoke”. (6:10) When falsely accused of speaking against God, Stephen gives a remarkable discourse of salvation history. (7:1-50), and ends with a rebuke of his listeners for not believing in Jesus. (7:51-54) Refusing to listen any longer his hearers dragged Stephen outside the city (Jerusalem) and stoned him. He called out “ ‘Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.’ “ (7:59), and begged God not to punish his enemies for killing him. “When he said this, he fell asleep.” (7:60)
Saint Stephen is recognized as the patron of deacons. In remembrance of his call to assist in the work with the poor, the British people of the Middle Ages began collecting money in small boxes throughout the year. On the feast of Saint Stephen, or “Boxing Day”, these boxes were opened and the money distributed to the needy. In families today, an empty box is placed beside the Christmas tree, and in gratitude for the blessings of Christmas, each member of the family selects one of their gifts for this “Saint Stephen’s Box”. These articles are then given to those in need. Consider other ways to honor Saint Stephen by engaging in some servant or helper activity in your neighborhood or city. December 26 th is also a day set aside as a time of special prayer for our enemies and all persecuted Christians throughout the world.
To learn about the other feasts celebrated during the Octave of Christmas – the apostle Saint John on the 27 th, Holy Innocents on the 28 th, Saint Thomas Becket on the 29 th, and the Holy Family on the 30 th – go to the “News” section of our parish website, and facebook.