Rita C. Manak, PhD received her doctorate for research in immunochemistry focusing on autoimmune disease and did her postdoctoral training in reproductive endocrinology. She was a research scientist with the USDA and at Diamond Shamrock Corporation, studying reproductive and stress immunology in cattle and swine. This led to her career in licensing new technologies developed in academia and government to industry for further development into products. She was Director of Technology Transfer at the U of A and at University Hospitals of Cleveland and Head, Technology Transfer Office at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory in Washington DC. This group of St Mark’s Book Club will focus on fiction and non-fiction books that have a science- based theme and will discuss the interface of perceptions of nature with Catholic beliefs.
Book: The Soul of an Octopus by naturalist Sy Montgomery (2015). based theme and will discuss the interface of perceptions of nature with Catholic beliefs.