Book selection: Antigone by Sophocles. Antigone is the third play in a trilogy including Oedipus Rex and Oedipus at Colonus, a trilogy by Sophocles, written in the 5th Century B.C. Antigone, the story of a young woman who opposes the King over burial of her brother slain in a civil war, is the first tragedy to dramatize the duties of the state against the justice of the gods. At the heart of the play is Antigone, her love for her family and her conscience. Attached is both a copy of the play and some explanatory notes from the Great Courses series on Greek tragedy. In keeping with the book group plan of 'something old, something new', join Father for a discussion of Antigone. Attached is a copy of the play translated by Robert Fagles, some helpful comments on the play from a Great Courses lecture on the Sophoclean Hero and Antigone.