A Note from Our Music Director:
Due to ongoing safety concerns around public singing, Bishop has requested no congregational singing in Phase 1 of re-opening except for the leadership of one vocalist and one accompanist to provide limited music at public Masses. Following this directive, you will notice some major changes to music at public weekend Masses, in particular a shift to spoken Ordinary parts of the Mass (Kyrie, Gloria etc.). We ask for your patience and kindness as we navigate these changes for the health and wellbeing of our community.
St. Mark Music Ministry is offering signups for a Sunday Music Resource mailinglist for those seeking additional spiritual enrichment through music. Please sign up to receive a weekly email with music selections and recording links for the following Sunday Mass, as well as a brief reflection on how those songs connect to Sunday readings.
Copies of music and recorded material are for congregational use only and are covered under St. Mark OneLicence copyright permissions. It is my sincere hope that this resource will encourage safe home participation in active worship, through music, until we can raise our voices together again.