Anthony Pagliarini grew up in northeastern Pennsylvania (Wilkes-Barre). After earning his BA in theology and philosophy at Notre Dame, he taught high school in a Catholic mission parish in Belize. He then moved to Rome to study theology at the Angelicum and work as a guide in the Vatican Necropolis (the "Scavi"). He spent the following three years in Austria completing masters work at the International Theological Institute. He then returned to Rome for further study at Pontifical Biblical Institute and the École Biblique. After completing his SSL, he returned to Notre Dame to begin doctoral work in Old Testament. He now teaches in the Department of Theology and is the Assistant Director of Undergraduate Studies. His course offerings include “Foundations of Theology,” “The Catholic Faith,” “Introduction to the New Testament,” “Psalms and Wisdom Literature,” “Prophets,” “Theology of Creation,” and “Intensive Intermediate Hebrew.” Anthony and his wife Katie live in South Bend with their four children. Dr. Pagliarini, a professor of scripture, discusses common ways that scripture is misread and misused. Scripture is God's living word, not the domain of scipture scholars and polemicists.