We would like to congratulate our own Our Lady of the Rosary, local Knights of Columbus council #13272 for being recognized by the State Council. What makes them such a success in the state of Arizona has made them a model council to others. For their efforts in our parish, and in our community, the State Council of the Knights of Columbus awarded our council:
• In 2017-2018 - Council of the Year
• In 2018-2019 - Faith in Action award for Faith
• In 2019-2020 - Star Council
• In 2019-2020 - Grand Knight of the Year
• In 2019-2020 - Star District Award
• In 2019-2020 - Faith in Action award for Life
Knights come from every stage of life, in countless corners of the world. Join us as we celebrate real role models in a world that needs men who lead, serve, protect, and defend. Look at joining the Knights as part of your Lenten journey by serving others. Joining is free through Jun 30th.
For more information, seek out any Knight wearing their blue shirt or contact George Vince, Membership Director at (520) 444.3344.