Saint Benedict's fifth-century guide to humility is a fundamental spirituality for those who work and pray. For the record the twelve steps are fear of God, self-denial, obedience, perseverance, repentance, serenity, self-abasement, prudence, silence, dignity, discretion and reverence.
In Fr. Wetta's retelling, the twelve steps are be afraid, don't be true to yourself, don't follow your dreams, suffer fools gladly, put your worst foot forward, be someone's doormat, have a poor self-image, think inside the box, don't speak up, laughter is not the best medicine, don't be the life of the party and keep your chin down. Ok! Actually all good advice I am trying to take.
Each step builds on the one before it and is a pathway through life. This little book is an aid to prepare for confession or a comfort when you feel your day has gone off the tracks. This resource is why those who go through Alcoholics Anonymous love the discipline and direction the spiritual path offers.
I loved the final step; the answer to why we are doing all of this:
REVERENCEWherever you go, bow your head in prayer, remembering the words of the publican: “God, be merciful to me a sinner!” (Lk 18:13).
Here in the final step, Saint Benedict describes an ancient monastic practice knownas custodia oculorum—custody of the eyes. These days, we would call it simply “reverence”, and we save this virtue for last because it is the sum of all the others. The fear of God that we strive for in the first step inspires self-denial and obedience. Perseverance in those practices, tempered by sincere repentance for our failures, strengthens us to experience serenity in the face of adversity. This in turn finds expression in self-abasement, prudence, and, finally, silence. Now silence, infused with dignity and discretion, culminates in a profound and joyful reverence for creation, for our neighbor, for ourselves, and for God. Life becomes a constant prayer whereby we discover our fullest dignity as brothers and sisters of Christ. Wetta, Augustine. Humility Rules: Saint Benedict's Twelve-Step Guide to Genuine Self-Esteem . Ignatius Press. Kindle Edition. (Illustration from Humility Rules)
This is a simple book to read and upon which to meditate. Simple is, however, not shallow, but profound. It challenges much of our American individualistic, self-asserting narcissistic culture that infects us all. Strongly recommended for anyone who wants to go to heaven starting now! Fr. John