Theology for Beginners: A great introduction to Catholic faith. Mr. Sheed makes the profoundIn order to be, we need do nothing. But in order to be super-naturally, we must do something. God’s presence, we have seen, is by no invitation of ours: but His indwelling is by invitation. There is a sense in which we may say of an earthly visitor, that no one can enter our home unless we invite him. He can enter our house without our invitation, but not our home. God’s indwelling means God making Himself at home in us, and depends upon our invitation. When we are infants, the sponsor extends the invitation to Him on our behalf, when we reach the use of reason we confirm the invitation. We can withdraw it at any time, and so lose God’s indwelling and be left only with His presence. Frank Sheed. Theology and Sanity (pp. 515-516). Catholic Way Publishing. Kindle Edition.
Our intellect is given a new access to truth by Faith: now it can accept God as the supreme source of truth, Whose word is final. The will receives two virtues. One is Hope, by which it desires God in the certainty that He is attainable. The other is Charity, by which it loves God. These three are called the Theological Virtues, because their object is God, they relate the soul directly and rightly to Him. Frank Sheed. Theology for Beginners (p. 170). Catholic Way Publishing. Kindle Edition.