The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity has a history of over 100 years . . . , in which Christians around the world have taken part in an octave of prayer for visible Christian unity. By annually observing the WPCU, Christians move toward the fulfillment of Jesus' prayer at the Last Supper "that they all may be one." (cf. John 17:21)
This years week of Prayer for Christian Unity is January 18 -25th. On January 23 at 7:00 pm at St. Francis Cabrini Catholic Church (3201 E. Presidio Rd in Tucson). There will be an evening of the greater community gathering to pray for unity. The theme of this year’s Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is “Your Right Hand, O God, Glorious in Power”.
O God, your right hand is glorious in power. Extend your hand to help us discover new ways that unite your people in the Body of Christ, the Church. May the strength of your hand take away all misunderstanding and prejudice that hinder our calling to be one in body and spirit. Draw us together in the bond of peace, of faith and charity that we may be one in Jesus Christ our Lord who reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit , One God, forever and ever. Amen.