The Transfiguration as grace -filled insightInsight is that mental (or inward) activity by which the mind grasps the intelligible connections between things that previously had appeared merely disparate. This act of understanding “sees” a pattern in data, where “seeing” is only a metaphor from physical sight. Sometimes referred to as the “Aha!” experience, it is often experienced as a sudden breakthrough. Insight may happen quickly, “with the speed of thought”; as soon as one wonders about something, the answer comes. But other times it may arrive more slowly, as it did to Goodyear... Tekippe, Terry J.. What is Lonergan Up to in "Insight"?: A Primer (Zacchaeus Studies: Theology) (p. 50). Liturgical Press. Kindle Edition.
The Gospel is comparing Jesus to Moses, the prophet for Israel. But as the story goes on, there is more than Moses here. When Moses goes up the mountain of Mount Sinai, he takes with him Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu. Aaron was the high priest and Moses’ brother, and Nadab and Abihu were Aaron’s sons, brothers like James and John. Jesus is preparing those three for an experience like Moses had.“ …and the glory of the LORD settled on Mount Sinai. For six days the cloud covered the mountain, and on the seventh day the LORD called to Moses from within the cloud.” Ex. 24:16
Goodyear, to his credit, saw beyond all the frustration and the failures of his life to his accomplishment. His is a real moment of insight, scientific and personal. No one asked what his poor wife had to say. The cross seems like failure. The Resurrection, however, is the measure of the true importance of the cross and the lense through which we obtain insight into the story of Jesus’ life and all of salvation history.“In reflecting upon the past, as relates to these branches of industry, the writer is not disposed to repine, and say that he has planted, and others have gathered the fruits. The advantages of a career in life should not be estimated exclusively by the standard of dollars and cents, as is too often done. Man has just cause for regret when he sows and no one reaps.”